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To be humble means to be teachable. It doesn’t mean to think low of yourself, but rather to know yourself better—to be wiser. To wisely know that beyond yourself you know little and you control little.

Humility is what self-improvement is built on. It is to acknowledge that there is always room for growth and that you will never know it all.

People who lack humility see themselves above learning and growing. As a result, they stop improving themselves and they continue making the same mistakes over and over, until life teaches them better.

To be humble is to be able to learn from anyone and anything, at any stage and at any age.

As the saying goes: “…be humble or get humbled…”

A true genius admits that he knows nothing. — Albert Einstein

It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err. — Mahatma Gandhi

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